Accountability Lab
The Accountability Lab is building a new generation of active citizens and responsible leaders around the world. It supports change-makers to develop and implement positive ideas for integrity in their communities, unleashing positive social and economic change.
Democracy Works Foundation and Accountability Lab have a partnership to implement Integrity Idol South Africa.
Code for Africa
Code for Africa is an impact accelerator, and a collaborative pan-African federation of civic data and civic technology organisations. We use technology and data to build digital democracies, and to empower citizens with actionable information.
Delegation of the European Union to Lesotho
Since the establishment of the European Union Delegation in the Kingdom of Lesotho in 1976, our mandate includes managing and promoting friendly relations between the EU and Lesotho through diplomacy, political and policy dialogues as well as through our cooperation programmes. Our partnership with Lesotho is broad and comprehensive with a central objective of eradicating poverty through sustainable development and fair trade.
Over the years, the relations between Lesotho and the EU have evolved into a multi-facetted partnership encompassing political relations, trade and investment, academic and cultural exchanges as well as a large cooperation programme contributing to the creation of conditions for sustainable growth for all Basotho.
A new cycle of cooperation with Lesotho began when the Multi-Annual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 was adopted in December 2021. It translated into additional resources for the traditional focal areas of water, energy and governance, an increased emphasis on the inclusion of civil society to promote social responsibility and participation, gender mainstreaming, and the delivery of results when possible as ‘Team Europe’, i.e. with the participation of EU member states and institutions.
Delegation of the European Union to South Africa
Following South Africa's first democratic elections in 1994 the EU commenced a comprehensive development assistance programme to the country which was subsequently included in the TDCA. The assistance provided since 1995 amounts to around €2.6bn and covers a wide range of areas. The current Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) for South Africa (2014-2020), drawn up jointly by the two parties, details the areas of cooperation covered by a €241mil funding envelope allocated under the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI).
EU-South Africa cooperation is focused on three areas:
Employment creation- the objective is to assist the Government to reduce unemployment notably through improved labour market policy, skills development and competitiveness of SMMEs.
Education, training and innovation- the objective is to assist the Government in transforming the education, training and innovation system so that it can contribute to improved economic performance.
Building a capable and developmental state- the objective is to assist the state in fulfilling its developmental and transformative role, notably through improving service delivery.
Democracy International
Democracy International is committed to supporting active citizens, responsive governments, and engaged civil society and political organizations to achieve a more peaceful, democratic world. By developing and using new knowledge, tools, and approaches, we change people’s lives and improve development assistance in fundamental ways. To do this, Democracy International works in four core practice areas: Politics, Governance, Peace & Resilience, and Learning.
European Partnership for Democracy
The European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) is a network with a global remit to support democracy. In 2008, several organisations came together to create EPD as a partnership to reinforce European democracy support by building a community that advocates and acts for democratic values around the world. EPD works inside and outside Europe because we recognise that democracy is a universal aspiration and that the contemporary challenges and opportunities for democracy are global in scope.
The F20 platform consists of more than 50 foundations and philanthropic organizations from different parts of the world, calling for joint, transnational action towards sustainable development, along positive transformation examples to provide pathways towards solutions of today’s most pressing challenges – climate change and a just transition towards sustainable development, based on renewable energy. F20 wants to be part of the solution and builds bridges between civil society, the business and financial sectors, think tanks and politics – within the G20 countries, between them and beyond.
Democracy Works Foundation is a member of the F20 network.
Financial Services Volunteer Corps
The Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC) is a not-for-profit organization that advances economic development by strengthening financial sectors in developing countries. We believe that healthy financial systems are vital to promoting job creation, economic growth and a better quality of life.
In Transformation Initiative
The In Transformation Initiative was established in 2013 by four veterans of the South African transition to democracy who played key roles in the strategy, discussions, and negotiations that ended apartheid and transformed South Africa into an international model of peace and hope. The In Transformation Initiative approach is premised on the philosophy that lasting solutions to conflict and political instability must be designed and developed domestically. Agreements and actions must evolve locally; they cannot be prescribed by external actors. This philosophy ensures ownership and sustainability, and offers the greatest chances for peace and prosperity. These three concepts of Trust, Inclusiveness and Ownership were critical to advancing democracy and strengthening society, and they are the fundamental pillars of The In Transformation Initiative work.
Democracy Works Foundation partnered with In Transformation Initiative on the 'Passing the Baton' project. They are partners in the Democracy Works Academy.
Kgalema Motlanthe Foundation
The mission of the Foundation of the former President of the Republic of South Africa, HE Kgalema Motlanthe, is to serve the South African public interest by facilitating sustainable access to the economy for the beneficiaries by carrying on the Trust object which is to provide monetary and non-monetary socio-economic development contributions within the Republic of South Africa. The vision of the Foundation is to foster cohesion, collaboration and innovation through dialogue among equals. The KMF mission is to promote, foster and enable rational, level headed, inclusive discourse to unlock creative solutions to break deadlock.
Democracy Works Foundation and the Kgalema Motlanthe Foundation have partnered to work towards a more resilient democratic future for South Africa.
DWF collaborates with the KMF on leadership forums and dialogues.
Oxfam South Africa
Oxfam South Africa leverages its local to global footprint and access to 60 years of experience working for change to advance its goals. We work at multiple levels, employing a range of strategies and combine long-term development programming with catalytic, responsive and timeous interventions.
Oxfam SA believes that people are their own liberators as such they have the ability to create their own destinies. Given an enabling social, economic and political environment they can transform their societies. We believe that government must build a conducive environment through policies, laws, responsive institutions, responsible and transparent fiscal management, consultative governance processes and other measures, supporting people to self-actualise and live in a society that affirms their rights and dignity. We also believe that corporations are institutions based within communities and they operate and succeed through economic and social interaction with these communities. They therefore have an obligation to operate with transparency, uphold human rights, and contribute in building a fairer society for all. It is this multiplicity of actors, and intertwined relationships of power and interests, that Oxfam South Africa seeks to mobilise and unlock in pursuit of its Vision and Mission.
Our role is to contribute to fundamental change, the search for lasting, systemic solutions to poverty, rather than dispensing charity.
Public Service Accountability Monitor
The Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM) forms part of the School of Journalism and Media Studies at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.
Social accountability places an explicit duty on members of the executive arm of governments, public officials and private service providers to justify their decisions and performance regarding the manner in which their use of public resources has affected the progressive realisation of socio-economic rights.
PSAM’s activities include research, monitoring, advocacy and capacity building. Working through southern Africa, PSAM generates and shares knowledge about social accountability and the monitoring and advocacy tools that can build more open, participatory and accountable governments.
Sonke Gender Justice
Sonke Gender Justice (Sonke) is a multi-award winning, women’s rights organisation that is committed to feminist principles, using a rights-based and gender transformative approach to achieve human rights and gender justice. Sonke works in twenty-three countries in Africa, and with key partners globally to promote gender equality, prevent violence, advance children's rights, and reduce the spread and impact of HIV and AIDS. We are widely recognised for the impact of our work, including, as one of many examples, our expertise in engaging men and boys for gender equality. In Africa and globally, we strive for HUMAN RIGHTS, where individuals and communities take ACTION against gender injustice and violence and seek inter-personal, community and structural ACCOUNTABILITY for long-lasting, SUSTAINABLE change. Sonke was founded by a shared understanding that violence against womxn and girls constitutes one of the gravest and most pervasive human rights violations and that it undermines South Africa’s new democracy in far-reaching ways. A further driving motivation was a belief that the gender inequalities, gender norms and power relations underpinning domestic and sexual violence are bad for womxn, but also for men. Recognizing that these norms, and the harmful perceptions of what it means to be a man or a womxn, encourage men to engage in high risk behaviors, Sonke was established with a firm conviction that men and boys had a critical contribution to make in ending violence, in transforming gender roles, and ultimately in being part of the solution to achieving gender justice. In line with the Sustainable Development Goals’ Leave No One Behind agenda, Sonke prioritizes work that improves the lives of the most marginalized populations, such as refugees and migrants, sex workers, the LGBTQI community, prisoners and ex-offenders, people living with HIV, children and youth. Many of Sonke staff are refugees and migrants from the Great Lakes region, enhancing Sonke’s staff capacity with regional expertise and cultural awareness.
United States Agency for International Development
USAID leads international development and humanitarian efforts to save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance and help people progress beyond assistance. USAID transforms. It transforms families, communities, and countries – so they can thrive and prosper. Whether by preventing the next global epidemic, responding to a devastating earthquake, or helping a farmer access tools to grow her business.
USAID is the world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID’s work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity, demonstrates American generosity, and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience. The purpose of foreign aid should be ending the need for its existence, and we provide development assistance to help partner countries on their own development journey to self-reliance – looking at ways to help lift lives, build communities, and establish self-sufficiency.
USAID's efforts are both from and for the American people.
USAID is a Democracy Works Foundation donor partner in our Southern Africa Political Parties and Dialogue Programme.
United States Department of State
The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) champions universal values, including respect for the rule of law, democratic institutions, and human rights. The Bureau’s work helps bolster democratic institutions, confront democratic backsliding, promote accountability, uphold internationally recognized labor standards, and advance the rights and equity of members of marginalized racial, ethnic, and religious communities, indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQI+ persons.