The construction of democracies that work underpinned by good governance, respect for human rights, the protection of civil and political freedoms, and respect for the rule of law is the primary objective of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG).
In a context of growing concern over unconstitutional power changes – including military coups, the extension of term limits and manipulation of legal processes – on the African continent, understanding and promoting the continental governance architecture has become all the more urgent.
The Charter Africa Project aims to contribute to greater awareness and operationalisation of the ACDEG, which outlines the AU’s normative framework on good governance, elections and democracy, and greater engagement with the African Governance Architecture (AGA). Through various capacity building initiatives, research and advocacy, the project is working to provide tools and support for civil society and communities across the continent. This is to realise the value and utilise the ACDEG to hold governments and political leaders accountable and ensure that they adhere to good governance and promote democratic political culture. To this end, the Charter Africa Project presents A Guide to the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance.
The guide explores what the ACDEG is, how it fits into the African governance agenda and the contribution that civil society organisations can make to realise the pillars of the ACDEG in practice. It also outlines the main rules that apply to states and their responsibility towards their citizens on various governance-related political, economic and social issues.
To learn more about the ACDEG guide, click: here