Democracy Works Foundation has been widely commended for forging historic and strategic collaboration between Parliament and key Oversight Agencies to enhance public integrity and accountability in Malawi. Through targeted initiatives, DWF has kickstarted bridging critical oversight functionality gaps between institutions, such as the Office of the Ombudsman, the Malawi Human Rights Commission, and the Legal Affairs Committee, ensuring a united approach to combating corruption, injustices, and inefficiency in governance.
Through enhancing collaboration and advocating for legislative reforms by empowering political party caucuses, oversight agencies, and Parliamentary Committees, DWF is actively contributing to a more accountable and transparent governance landscape. Our commitment to strengthening democratic institutions and promoting public integrity has garnered well-deserved commendation and sets a precedent for sustainable governance reforms across the country.
In a recent milestone, DWF supported an interface meeting between the Parliamentary Legal Affairs Committee and the Ombudsman’s Office, paving the way for quicker and more transparent case resolutions as well as follow-up on enforcement of all stakeholders’ determinations. Both the Ombudsman and the Legal Affairs Committee Chairperson commended DWF’s unequalled efforts.
“To DWF, there are partnerships, and there are ‘partnerships’. It is easy to have an MOU. Time goes by, and you cannot show anything (done). To DWF’s credit, we now have the amended Ombudsman Act which you significantly contributed to. You provided support when we engaged with this Committee, and they lifted the process and brought it into Parliament through your contributions the day the Bill was introduced in Parliament.” – Honourable Ombudsman, Grace MALERA
“In conclusion, we commend the Ombudsman for being proactive. Allow me to commend Democracy Works Foundation for their unwavering support in ensuring that Agency bodies operate efficiently and effectively. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.” – Honourable Chairperson, Legal Affairs Committee, Peter DIMBA, MP.
DWF’s commitment and solidarity to the oversight agencies has also underscored the greater and continuing avenue and opportunity for empowering more Malawians towards holding officials accountable, particularly in underserved communities.
By strengthening collaboration, promoting legislative integrity, and engaging in co-creation interfaces, DWF is helping transform Malawi’s public sector into a more accountable and transparent system and transforming Malawi into the resilient democracy it should be.